Week 8 Summary
These are the summary for week 8 with uses the utterence bot
Summary for week 8
These plans include detailed steps for week 8 assignment
Week 8 Summary
- Planned and worked on the video due tomorrow.
- Continued work on frontend design using figma for the recipe book manager site.
- Explored figma functionalities and design extraction.
- Planned tasks for the next day.
- Listened to the Booleans IF lesson and completed assigned homework.
- Presented the video to teach and added finishing touches.
- Graded Algorithms homework and organized results in a spreadsheet.
- Encountered figma export issue, switched to code-based frontend design.
- Continued frontend design work and resolved previous day’s bugs.
- Completed correction of last week’s homework and submitted to teach.
- Started understanding APIs for backend integration into the site.
- Informed individuals about their scores.
- Attended student teaching lesson on iteration.
- Worked on and submitted homework for the student teaching.
- Continued API testing site development, focused on understanding data fetching and formatting.
- Formatted data from Edamam API to display on the frontend site.
- Continued API testing site development.
- Participated in a tech talk from teach and completed the testing blog.
- Made the search bar functional.
- Ended the day with a team meeting to plan for the next week.